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What Should You Do After Getting Divorced?

Divorce experts recently weighed in on what steps people should consider taking immediately after their divorce has been finalized. The truth is that it’s not always easy to move on from the end of a marriage, especially when the marriage lasted for several years or even decades. The fear of what might come next can […]


Divorce experts recently weighed in on what steps people should consider taking immediately after their divorce has been finalized.

The truth is that it’s not always easy to move on from the end of a marriage, especially when the marriage lasted for several years or even decades. The fear of what might come next can actually cause spouses to remain together long past the point when they should. Although a divorce is often in the best interests of both parties to an unsatisfying marriage, it can still be difficult for the spouses to acknowledge that the relationship is no longer working and that they would be better served by filing for divorce and moving on with their lives.

If you are considering the possibility that you may need to file for divorce, or if your spouse has already made that decision, you should make sure to prepare yourself for what life will be like after the divorce is final.

Several marriage and divorce experts recently spoke with the Huffington Post and offered their thoughts on the first things that a newly divorced person should do:

  1. Be honest with yourself about the fact that your life is going to be different going forward. Kira Gould, a divorce coach and support group leader, said that a recently divorced individual needs to acknowledge that the past is just that: the past. That way, observed Gould, it will be possible to move on to a “new beginning.”
  2. Always put the kids first. When a divorcing couple has children, there could be significant legal issues over child custody and child support. Regardless of how contentious the divorce proceedings get, said Rosalind Sedacca, a divorce parenting coach, don’t forget that you need to prioritize your children and make sure that they are okay with the new lives they will be leading after the divorce.
  3. Stay on top of your finances. After your divorce is finalized, you could find yourself struggling financially as your income has suddenly been cut in half. At that same time, you may find that your bills and financially obligations have not necessary decreased, especially if you have to pay spousal support or child support. So make sure to keep track of your finances.

For more information, read the article, “The First Thing You Must Do When Your Divorce Is Final.”


If you are thinking about filing for divorce in New Jersey, or if you have already begun the divorce process, you should talk to a qualified NJ divorce lawyer. The experienced divorce and family law attorneys at Davis & Mendelson can help you explore your legal options. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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