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Family Law – Mediation Alternative Dispute Resolution in New Jersey

Our family law attorneys strongly believe in divorce mediation. This is a type of alternative dispute resolution that allows families to split up, while keeping relationships intact and functioning.

Divorce, by definition, involves the splitting up of families. However, splitting up doesn’t have to mean permanently destroying relationships. It doesn’t have to mean creating permanent and bitter divides. It doesn’t have to mean forcing a child to decide which parent to invite to their wedding, which parent gets to spend time with their grandchildren. Unfortunately, courtroom divorce battles tend to create these divides.

Fortunately, there is a better way.

At The Law Offices of Davis & Mendelson, our family law attorneys strongly believe in family law and divorce mediation. This is a type of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) that allows families to split up, while keeping relationships intact and functioning.

Divorce mediation provides separating and/or divorcing parties with a cost-effective and peaceful way to resolve their differences. The parties and mediator work together to deal with the consequences of either party’s desire to separate and/or divorce. The mediation process focuses the parties on their commonality of interest; whether it be the children, avoidance of the cost and acrimony of litigation, desire to remain friendly and civil to one another after the divorce, etc. Mediation provides an environment where the parties can work together to come to solutions, rather than allegations; the parties discuss their actual needs rather than their ego-driven positions. Mediation provides the parties; the two people best equipped to make these decisions, with the opportunity to civilly discuss and hopefully resolve issues of child custodyparenting time, child support, alimony and the equitable distribution of property without having to “win” and/or hurt one another; divorce mediation is the peaceful, child-centered way to divorce. Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall mediate, not litigate.

The Benefits of Family Law and Divorce Mediation

Helping to maintain a functioning relationship between two divorcing parents is only one of the many benefits that come with family law and divorce mediation.

The traditional method of getting a divorce can be extremely expensive and time-consuming. Mediation, on the other hand, is frequently much faster. Typically, it is much less expensive than the traditional divorce.

Our family law & divorce lawyers can work closely with you to determine if mediation makes sense for resolving your family law or divorce case.

Mediation Can Resolve All Family Law and Divorce Disputes

Of course, divorce is not one issue. It is a series of issues that all need to be resolved at once. Thankfully, mediation can be used to resolve them all.

Mediation can address:

  • Child custody, visitation and parenting time disputes
  • Child support disputes
  • Alimony support disputes
  • Property division disputes

It can also be used to address other family law issues, such as paternity cases and much more.

Contact Us

Contact us for cost-effective, results-oriented representation Free Consultation: (856) 627-0100
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