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Mediation for Business and Family Dispute Resolution in New Jersey

Mediation can be used to reach resolutions in nearly any legal dispute.

The traditional way to solve legal disputes is highly adversarial. It pits parties against each other in the courtroom or in negotiations. One side wins and the other side loses. The relationship between the two parties is forever changed.

Mediation can be used to reach resolutions in nearly any legal dispute. Some of the specific types of mediation we provide include:

Alternative Dispute Resolution has Many Advantages

There is another method of solving problems that is becoming an important part of many legal practices. Mediation and other alternative dispute resolution techniques have been embraced by the legal profession and by many businesses. It can be a quicker, less expensive and less adversarial means of resolving a conflict than a trial or settlement negotiations.

Our New Jersey Law Firm Advocates Mediation

At the Voorhees, New Jersey, law firm of Davis & Mendelson, LLC, our Business & Family lawyers promote mediation as a better way of solving problems. Attorney Howard Mendelson is dedicated to using mediation to resolve conflicts peacefully. As a certified mediator, his goal is to guide participants to a place where they can move forward.

Mediation is Well Suited to Family & Employment Disputes

Mediation works best when the parties wish to maintain a amicable relationship after their legal problem is solved. It is well suited to resolve divorce and child custody disputes and other family law matters — the parties will need to work together to raise their children even though they themselves are no longer together. It is often effective in employment disputes — the employer and the employee may need to continue to work in the same company or office. For a mediation to be successful, the parties must recognize their commonality of interests, and desirability of reaching compromise rather than continuing the fight; each parties’ need to be “right” must be directed toward the common goal of reaching agreement.

Other types of disputes that are often resolved through mediation include landlord-tenant, construction, special education and school disputes. Our legal practice handles matters in each of these areas; we always recommend mediation when appropriate.

NJ Divorce Mediation in Voorhees, Mt. Laurel, Cherry Hill & Throughout Camden County

Divorce mediation provides separating and/or divorcing parties with a cost-effective and peaceful way to resolve their differences. The parties and mediator work together to deal with the consequences of either party’s desire to separate and/or divorce. The mediation process focuses the parties on their commonality of interest; whether it be the children, avoidance of the cost and acrimony of litigation, desire to remain friendly and civil to one another after the divorce, etc. Mediation provides an environment where the parties can work together to come to solutions, rather than allegations; the parties discuss their actual needs rather than their ego-driven positions. Mediation provides the parties; the two people best equipped to make these decisions, with the opportunity to civilly discuss and hopefully resolve issues of child custody, parenting time, child support, alimony and the equitable distribution of property without having to “win” and/or hurt one another; divorce mediation is the peaceful, child-centered way to divorce. Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall mediate, not litigate.

We use mediation to solve clients problems

Family & Business Attorney Mendelson has been appointed by judges to be a mediator. He also undertakes private mediations. He attends mediation sessions with clients to help them articulate their position and determine their true goals. He uses his litigation skills in a positive way to help the firm’s clients.

To learn more about our focus on mediation and how it relates to each of our practice areas, contact Davis & Mendelson, LLC.

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Contact us for cost-effective, results-oriented representation Free Consultation: (856) 627-0100
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