Free Confidential Phone Consultation: (856) 627-0100

New Jersey Education Law

Our attorneys have decades of experience representing students and families on a variety of education-related legal issues.

New Jersey Education Law Attorneys & Special Education Lawyers

Our firm and Education Attorney Howard Mendelson represent students and parents in all education law matters, including:

Legal Representation for Students and Families

Legal Representation for Parents and Students

We advocate for parents and students in many of these areas as well. We also act for and advise parents and students in Fourth Amendment search and seizure cases over locker searches, drug testing and other matters. We represent students in juvenile criminal proceedings, and we have defended students’ right to free speech under the First Amendment. Our lawyers have handled sexual abuse and harassment cases on behalf of students.

Education Disputes Mediation

As a certified mediator, Attorney Mendelson believes that many disputes can be settled through mediation. He has successfully mediated conflicts between families and school districts and between school districts and employees.

Contact Us

Contact us for cost-effective, results-oriented representation Free Consultation: (856) 627-0100
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