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Domestic Violence

People who have been the victims of spousal abuse, assault, harassment, stalking, child abuse or endangerment and similar crimes have the right to protection under the law.

New Jersey Domestic Violence Attorneys

Domestic violence is a serious issue. Police take domestic abuse calls so seriously that they often don’t leave without taking someone with them. Prosecutors take it so seriously that they will frequently refuse to drop charges, even if the victim asks them to.

At The Law Offices of Davis & Mendelson, our attorneys are ready to do our part to help domestic violence victims. We also understand that, sometimes, there is more to these cases than meets the eye. We are prepared to find a solution… the right solution.

Helping Victims of Domestic Violence in Voorhees, Cherry Hill, & Throughout Camden County

People who have been the victims of spousal abuse, assault, harassment, stalking, child abuse or endangerment and similar crimes have the right to protection under the law.

At our family law firm, we are committed to seeing that they get that protection. From immediately seeking restraining orders for temporary protection to handling the divorce process in order to permanently separate abused from abuser.

Helping People Accused of Domestic Violence in Medford, Mt. Laurel, Moorestown & Across Camden County

Police and prosecutors want to keep people safe. Unfortunately, they may sometimes go a little too far in order to do that. They may take action against someone who didn’t do anything.

Many times, police are called to the scene of a domestic altercation. Even if the worst that has happened is some yelling, they may end up arresting someone for domestic violence. The prosecutors may not simply drop these charges at the victim’s request. Instead, they require defense from an experienced defense attorney. We can provide that defense

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Contact us for cost-effective, results-oriented representation Free Consultation: (856) 627-0100
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