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Criminal Defense & Municipal Law

New Jersey Criminal Defense Lawyers & Municipal Law Attorneys

Howard Mendelson of Davis & Mendelson, LLC in Voorhees, New Jersey, is a former municipal prosecutor. That gives him and our clients an advantage when defending our clients against charges in Municipal Court. He knows the procedures, the court personnel and the options available to clients, whatever the charge.

What are Municipal Court Offenses?

We represent people in New Jersey Municipal Courts in Camden, Burlington and Gloucester counties and throughout the region. We defend clients against charges of non-indictable offenses such as:

  • Drunk driving / DWI
  • Disorderly persons offenses and petty disorderly persons offenses
  • Municipal ordinance violations
  • Traffic violations such as speeding, driving without a license, or driving on a suspended or revoked license
  • Minor drug possession and possession of paraphernalia
  • Assault and battery
  • Shoplifting
  • Criminal mischief

Do Not Ignore a Municipal Court Matter

Many people, when summoned to appear in Municipal Court, ignore the summons or plead guilty, thinking the matter is no more than a nuisance. This is a mistake. The consequences for a conviction on many of these charges can be significant and cumulative. Any type of traffic violation can mean points on your driving record. This can lead to higher insurance rates and suspension of your license.

Attorneys Respected by Court Officials

Our firm’s credibility allows us to negotiate on behalf of clients who are facing charges. Attorney Mendelson has successfully obtained dismissals, lesser charges, alternative dispositions and acquittals. He has been able to defend against DWI charges by questioning the cause for the traffic stop and the procedures followed by the police in conducting field sobriety tests and blood alcohol tests.

Contact our Voorhees law firm if you are facing any New Jersey Municipal Court charge. Call Davis & Mendelson, LLC.

Contact Us

Contact us for cost-effective, results-oriented representation Free Consultation: (856) 627-0100
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