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Arbitration and Mediation

Arbitration is an alternative dispute resolution option. It’s a time-effective, less expensive way to deal with legal disputes. The result will be a final and binding decision by an impartial third party.

arbitration and mediation

No one wants to be involved in a legal battle. Few people are interested in spending the time and money it takes to go to court to argue their case before a judge and “hope” for a successful outcome. Arbitration is an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) option. It’s a time-effective, less expensive way to deal with legal disputes. The result will be a final and binding decision by an impartial third party.

Few people are interested in spending the time and money it takes to go to court to argue their case before a judge and “hope” for a successful outcome.

If you or someone you love is facing a legal challenge, it’s important for you to know that you can “have your day in court” – without actually going to court. Arbitration and mediation are two options for cost-effective management of legal disputes. Contact an experienced arbitration lawyer who will explain the process and assist you in determining whether an alternative to litigation is right for your case. If you choose to go through arbitration, attorney Howard Mendelson of Davis & Mendelson will guide you guide you through the process, protecting your rights every step of the way.

Alternative Dispute Resolution is Cost-Effective and Time-Tested

When parties agree to go before an arbitrator (or arbitration committee), they are doing so with the understanding that the result will be final and usually binding. The outcome is known as the “award.” Arbitrators are impartial neutral legal experts who will listen to the facts, evidence and positions of both parties before delivering the award in writing.

Both parties are permitted to have lawyers representing them at the arbitration table. Generally speaking, this is an excellent idea because it’s important that your legal rights be protected.

At the law office of Davis & Mendelson, we have represented countless clients at arbitration hearings in the following areas of law:

Legal cases, by definition, pit two sides against one another. These are adversarial situations where, generally speaking, a judge or jury will decide who wins and who loses when the case goes to court. Arbitration is very different. It’s a cost- and time-effective method for solving legal disputes. And, while the decisions are usually binding, they are determined after close consideration of the facts of the case in a more amicable, calmer environment. Having the right attorney by your side during arbitration can mean the difference between you getting what you feel is just or not. Call Mr. Mendelson today for a review of your case to learn if arbitration is a good choice for you.

What’s the Difference Between Mediation and Arbitration?

Both are methods of alternative dispute resolution. However, mediation is a voluntary process. Both parties agree to participate and work together with a mediator to find a mutually agreeable solution to the legal issue. It’s important to note, the mediator doesn’t issue a decision; instead, they help the parties find a resolution to the dispute and assist in the drafting of a settlement agreement. In mediation, the parties can walk away from the discussion and opt to be heard in court.

Arbitration is a binding process. The arbitrator hears both sides of the story, weighs the evidence and makes a final decision. The parties must agree at the outset, if they choose arbitration, to accept the final decision (award) of the arbitrator.

Contact a Knowledgeable ADR Lawyer About Your Camden County Legal Dispute

Howard Mendelson of Davis & Mendelson is a major proponent of both the arbitration and mediation processes. He has represented many clients in Marlton, Mt. Laurel, Cherry Hill and Medford in arbitration hearings and has been assigned many times by Camden County judges to mediate cases. He fully understands how alternative dispute resolution works.

Put Mr. Mendelson’s expertise and experience to work for you. Contact the law firm Davis & Mendelson in Voorhees, NJ today for a consultation about your case.

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