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Our Firm’s History

We come up with solutions to resolve disputes as opposed to simply pushing papers around in the context of discovery and litigation without purpose.

Reflections by Howard Mendelson On a Decade and Half Well Spent

It’s hard to believe it’s been over 15 years since Bill Davis and I left the “big firm” to open up our own shop. While leaving the security of the big firm was certainly scary, after 15 years, I can honestly say that it was the best move we ever could’ve made. We’ve been able to build upon our professional and personal reputations with our clients and the legal community, and steer the firm in the direction Bill and I had hoped we would be able to achieve. We are problem solving peacemakers, rather than lawyers forced to play the game in the antiquated “fight without purpose” way. We come up with solutions to resolve disputes as opposed to simply pushing papers around in the context of discovery and litigation without purpose. We employ mindfulness to help direct our clients toward cost-effective solutions or litigation directed at firm and achievable results rather than litigation focused on prevailing without purpose. We work to avoid litigation leading inevitably to the judge insisting upon a meaningful settlement dialog only after the parties have spent too much money and felt too much personal pain.

We are problem solving peacemakers, rather than lawyers forced to play the game in the antiquated “fight without purpose” way.

We’ve been able to expand our mediation practice, have remained active in our community endeavors and have been able to live “The Lawyers Pledge” in real ways for real people. We have become the law firm that Bill and I had hoped we could become, a law firm focused on compassionate service to others and real results for real people. We practice a vocation rather than simply show up for a job. We respond to a calling rather than pursue a career.

While Bill is no longer with us, we have mentored our new employees in a way that would have made Bill proud. We have passed on his legacy to many up and coming professionals.  After 15 years, we have become what we had hoped we would become, a law firm focused on service rather than compensation. We look forward to serving our clients and legal community for decades to come.

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Contact us for cost-effective, results-oriented representation Free Consultation: (856) 627-0100
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