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An Invasion of Privacy Turns A NJ Divorce Into Much More

Divorce is never a simple process. Paperwork aside, it involves a tremendous amount of time and effort from the parties involved and can be draining. Some divorces do not even reach completion in a timely manner and incur even further litigation outside of the divorce itself. Such is the case with a recent New Jersey […]



Divorce is never a simple process. Paperwork aside, it involves a tremendous amount of time and effort from the parties involved and can be draining. Some divorces do not even reach completion in a timely manner and incur even further litigation outside of the divorce itself.

Such is the case with a recent New Jersey divorce proceeding.

A NJ appellate court has recently ruled that a man’s lawsuit against a lawyer who represented his wife in their divorce can go forward. They additionally overturned the superior court’s decision to dismiss the lawsuit, while upholding the dismissal of a count of abuse of process and overturning the striking of a number of paragraphs contained in the filed lawsuit.

The lawsuit alleges that the wife and her representing lawyer sought a large divorce settlement from the man’s family. The man had originally tried to sue the lawyer for sending information detailing the divorce and alleged assault to The Wall Street Journal.

The NJ appellate court reversed the dismissal on four different counts as well:

  • Libel, invasion of privacy
  • False light, invasion of privacy
  • Public disclosure of private facts
  • Civil conspiracy

The aforementioned divorce turned into much more than just a divorce and is now carrying over three years of time. The last thing anyone wants is to continually draw out the divorce, which can be especially difficult when it involves children or other family members.

That is why if you and your loved one are looking to file for divorce you should aim to hire an experienced divorce lawyer — one who will not end up sued for the actions they took during the divorce proceedings.

In South Jersey, The Law Offices of Davis & Mendelson have lawyers that are able to handle all aspects of divorce. These can include, but are not limited to:

No divorce is like another and the lawyers at The Law Offices of Davis & Mendelson are well aware of this fact. They will design a legal strategy to meet your divorce’s specific needs. Call 866-560-9512 or fill out our convenient online contact form to request a consultation today.

The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney/client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.

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