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Commercial Lease Agreement Disputes

Commercial lease disputes can involve legal technicalities, which is why it is imperative that anyone entering into a commercial lease, whether it’s as a landlord or as a tenant, needs to have a qualified real estate lawyer providing assistance.

New Jersey real estate law attorney

The best way to avoid a dispute over a commercial lease agreement is to have an attorney draft the contract and work with you throughout the real estate transaction process. Of course, sometimes a dispute over complicated terms in the commercial lease is inevitable. Moreover, commercial lease disputes can involve legal technicalities, which is why it is imperative that anyone entering into a commercial lease, whether it’s as a landlord or as a tenant, needs to have a qualified real estate lawyer providing assistance.

First and foremost, your attorney should take the time to hammer out all the details before signing a commercial lease. This means clearly defining each and every important term in the lease so that your rights will be protected in the event that a dispute does arise at a later date.

Resolving NJ Commercial Lease Disputes After Signing

If you own and operate a business and suddenly find that there are problems with your lease or that the landlord is attempting to evict you without cause, your entire business could be impacted. A lease agreement that is not resolved promptly could affect your livelihood, especially if you have cultivated your business in a particular location.

If you are a landlord leasing commercial space to a business-tenant, you could be put in a difficult financial position when the tenant fails to pay rent on time or damages the property prior to leaving the space. An attorney who is familiar with the New Jersey legal system can potentially help you seek an eviction of a non-paying tenant so that you are free to lease the property to someone else.

When there is a dispute, an experienced real estate attorney may be able to discuss the matter with the other party and negotiate a resolution that leaves everyone satisfied. Beyond that, a skilled negotiator or mediator who can work things out before the case heads to court will save you a lot of time, money, and aggravation.

If you are involved in a real estate transaction in New Jersey, you should speak with a qualified attorney before signing anything. The seasoned real estate lawyers at Davis & Mendelson can assist you with any type of real estate transaction or dispute. Contact us anytime to schedule a free initial consultation.

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