Author Archives for Howard Mendelson

55 and Above, SJ Magazine, October 2009

April 7, 2015 10:42 am Published by Comments Off on 55 and Above, SJ Magazine, October 2009

55 and Above, SJ Magazine, October 2009 While 55 may be the “New 40”, 55 is still the chronological age required for residency in most planned retirement communities. These retirement communities are generally governed by an association which maintains common areas on behalf of the residents of the retirement community. There are both economic and social advantages to living in […]

Mediation and Arbitration Profile for SJ Magazine, November 2009

April 7, 2015 10:41 am Published by Comments Off on Mediation and Arbitration Profile for SJ Magazine, November 2009

Mediation and Arbitration Profile for SJ Magazine, November 2009 Cost-effective, problem solving peacemakers; that’s what lawyers and their clients should be. Disputing parties should consider mediating and/or arbitrating their disputes; rather than expending money, time and their “quality of life” pursuing their need to be “right” rather than “whole” in the context of litigation. While the lawyers at Davis & […]

Divorce Mediation Statement for Sister Alma

April 7, 2015 10:40 am Published by Comments Off on Divorce Mediation Statement for Sister Alma

Divorce Mediation Statement for Sister Alma Divorce mediation provides separating and/or divorcing parties with a cost-effective and peaceful way to resolve their differences. The parties and mediator work together to deal with the consequences of either party’s desire to separate and/or divorce. The mediation process focuses the parties on their commonality of interest; whether it be the children, avoidance of […]

Prenuptial Agreement, SJ Magazine

April 7, 2015 10:39 am Published by Comments Off on Prenuptial Agreement, SJ Magazine

Prenuptial Agreement, SJ Magazine Couples planning a wedding may also wish to consider entering into a prenuptial agreement. Prenuptial agreements are particularly appropriate when either the bride or groom has been married before, has children from a prior relationship and/or has acquired significant assets prior to the marriage. The prenuptial agreement is accordingly a contract between the marrying couple defining […]

The Complex Divorce

April 7, 2015 10:37 am Published by Comments Off on The Complex Divorce

The Complex Divorce Why do some divorces cost more than others?Many fields require many years of post-secondary education. One or both parties is self-employed One or both parties need to control/”win” One or both parties are not emotionally ready for the divorce One or both of the parties are dangerous to themselves or to others Mediation The Healthy Way To […]

Possible Alimony Changes on the Horizon in New Jersey

April 7, 2015 10:15 am Published by Comments Off on Possible Alimony Changes on the Horizon in New Jersey

Possible Alimony Changes on the Horizon in New Jersey The New Jersey legislature is moving toward an overhaul of state laws governing alimony, the regular payment that is sometimes awarded in a divorce to help pay one ex-spouse’s living expenses. A legislative committee recently voted unanimously to create a commission to study the laws, after previously approving a bill that […]

As Seen in South Jersey Magazine, November 2012

April 7, 2015 10:10 am Published by Comments Off on As Seen in South Jersey Magazine, November 2012

As Seen In South Jersey Magazine, November 2012 Name: Howard S. Mendelson, Esq. Firm: Davis & Mendelson, LLC Years in Practice: 26 years What’s your proudest career accomplishment thus far? The establishment of Davis & Mendelson, LLC.; a law firm where compassion and personal integrity are our primary professional objectives. The one TV show you won’t miss is Sportscenter; the […]

Proposed New Rule Change Would Create Arbitration Track in all New Jersey

April 7, 2015 10:05 am Published by Comments Off on Proposed New Rule Change Would Create Arbitration Track in all New Jersey

Proposed New Rule Change Would Create Arbitration Track in all New Jersey While same is not yet the law, our New Jersey Supreme Court’s Family Practice Committee has recently recommended rule changes to establish an arbitration track for certain Family Court matters. While litigants can presently choose to avail themselves of private arbitration in order to expedite the process and […]

Financial Factors To Consider When Contemplating Gray Divorce

April 7, 2015 10:03 am Published by Comments Off on Financial Factors To Consider When Contemplating Gray Divorce

Financial Factors To Consider When Contemplating Gray Divorce The divorce rate in the United States over the last two decades has slowed or even declined according to some sources, but among those ages 50 and older the divorce rate during the same time period has doubled. Divorce later in life is referred to as “gray divorce”, and many in the […]