July 28, 2015 1:54 pm
Published by Howard Mendelson
Mediation is an effective way to deal with disputes in a number of legal sectors including real estate, family law, business law, employment law and more. The process is simply a more efficient and cheaper option than going to court.
July 14, 2015 12:56 pm
Published by Howard Mendelson
If you’re being discriminated against at work, you have the right to get the justice you deserve by holding the culprits responsible for their egregious behavior.
July 8, 2015 1:54 pm
Published by Howard Mendelson
South Jersey Magazine recently published its list of the best family law attorneys. Click on the image below.
June 30, 2015 12:54 pm
Published by Howard Mendelson
Appearing in a new interview on CBS Sunday Morning, the parents of bullied Rutgers freshman and suicide victim Tyler Clementi opened up about their son’s death, their response to his homosexuality and a new effort they are launching to stop bullying in its tracks. The Tyler Clementi Foundation, in collaboration with the Human Rights Campaign, has launched the #Day1 Campaign […]
June 17, 2015 10:32 am
Published by Howard Mendelson
One of the most “entertaining” family law matters to take place in New Jersey in the last year involves a young girl, a pop concert, and a judge who loves rock and roll! In the recent matter of Zoe v. Zoe, the divorcing parents were in a continuing custody dispute. In late December of 2013, Mrs. Zoe took the parties’ […]
June 1, 2015 10:33 am
Published by Howard Mendelson
Divorce often sends both parties running for the nearest and most aggressive lawyer. A sense of self-preservation kicks in and thoughts turn to who gets what and why. In addition to financial strain, taking a “kill or be killed” attitude toward the divorce process can be emotionally devastating for all parties involved – especially children. Further, a traditional divorce trial […]
May 18, 2015 12:26 pm
Published by Howard Mendelson
A recent article in the Lancet Psychiatry illustrates the profound effects that bullying may have on victims well into adulthood. The study outlined in the piece reveals that children are more impacted by peer bullying than they are by mistreatment from adults. Researchers also found that those children who were treated poorly by adults were more likely to be bullied. […]
April 7, 2015 10:59 am
Published by Howard Mendelson
Arguing that New Jersey’s alimony laws are “antiquated” and unfair, activists in the state are lobbying for reform. One of the largest alimony reform advocacy groups, New Jersey Alimony Reform, is working with state lawmakers to amend the laws governing alimony awards. Reformers hope to impose limits on the amount and duration of alimony payments. Reasons for Change Those pushing […]
April 7, 2015 10:43 am
Published by Howard Mendelson
Family Law Questions & Answers for SJ Magazine, April 2009 How is child support calculated in the state of New Jersey? The New Jersey Child Support Guidelines require the Court to consider each parent’s available income, parenting time with the children, health insurance costs for the children, and day care expenses. When either of the parents is self-employed, the determination […]
April 7, 2015 10:42 am
Published by Howard Mendelson
55 and Above, SJ Magazine, October 2009 While 55 may be the “New 40”, 55 is still the chronological age required for residency in most planned retirement communities. These retirement communities are generally governed by an association which maintains common areas on behalf of the residents of the retirement community. There are both economic and social advantages to living in […]