October 19, 2018 11:19 am
Published by Howard Mendelson
If I’m the only person I can ever control, don’t I have the professional responsibility to exercise self-control and civility when someone acts unprofessional toward me? Shouldn’t professionalism requires more than simply complying with ethical rules and demonstrating common decency toward one another; now, more than ever, professionalism should also be about how the “non-offending” professional responds to the unprofessional […]
October 12, 2018 3:46 pm
Published by Howard Mendelson
On Thursday, October 18, the Camden County Bar Association is hosting Professionalism Day at the Hall of Justice, Courtroom 63. The presentation will be from 2-4pm and focus on “Playing Nice in the Sandbox.” There will be a panel of judges and attorneys who will present various scenarios related to ethical and professional behavior in a courtroom. One of the […]
September 25, 2018 10:03 am
Published by Howard Mendelson
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly 1 in 5 adults in the United States (44.7 million adults aged 18 or older) lives with mental illness, defined as a mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder. Of those people, 4.2 percent of adults in the United States (an estimated 10.4 million adults) live with serious mental illness, defined as a […]
September 18, 2018 3:55 pm
Published by Howard Mendelson
Divorce is an emotional and complicated situation for most couples. If you are a parent, divorce will not only be emotionally difficult and complicated for you, but for your children as well. In New Jersey, the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts have adopted a set of guidelines, which, although not enforceable law, are frequently incorporated by lawyers and judges […]
September 10, 2018 4:09 pm
Published by Howard Mendelson
Under the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act”, starting January 1, 2019, the higher-income divorcing spouse will no longer have an alimony deduction for spousal support he or she might be ordered to pay an ex-spouse and must pay federal taxes on it, while the receiving spouse will not have to pay any taxes on it. This is a significant change […]
September 5, 2018 11:20 am
Published by Howard Mendelson
Davis and Mendelson is proud to announce that Howard Mendelson will be a speaker at a live seminar offered by the National Business Institute’s Series of Continuing Legal Education for Professionals. The course, Special Education Laws Made Simple, spells out schools’ obligations and options under special education laws, and offers a practical guide to FAPE, LRE, and due process. This […]
August 17, 2018 1:14 pm
Published by Howard Mendelson
When it comes to school discipline, a New Jersey School Board has powers of discretion which are given deference, so long as the Board does not act in an arbitrary, unreasonable, or capricious manner. Recently, the Commissioner of Education adopted the decision of the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) in the case of L.S. o/b/o J.S. vs. Board of Education of […]
August 7, 2018 6:00 am
Published by Howard Mendelson
SUMMER IS THE BEST SEASON FOR DIVORCED PARENTS TO ADDRESS CUSTODY/ PARENTING TIME ISSUES AND FOR ALL PARENTS TO ADDRESS EDUCATIONAL ISSUES OF AND CONCERNING THEIR CHILDREN While Summer is the season for families to take vacations, attend celebrations and otherwise enjoy the benefits of the warmer weather, for divorced parents and/or parents addressing issues with their local school districts, […]
August 6, 2018 6:00 am
Published by Howard Mendelson
Howard and Marybeth Mendelson were recently named top attorneys in SJ Magazine’s “2018 Top Attorneys.” This honor is awarded annually by the attorney community to attorneys who they believe deserve special recognition. The list tells prospective clients which legal professionals “have made it to the top of their field” and are “committed to upholding – and fighting for – the […]
July 31, 2018 6:00 am
Published by Howard Mendelson
Deciding to obtain a divorce from a long-term partner is usually a well thought out decision an individual has made for themselves. New Jersey’s modern-day courts make the process of divorce less painful by not forcing a reconciliation between parties that both desire a legal separation. New Jersey Shocked Over China’s New Divorce Policy Couples seeking divorce in other countries […]