Author Archives for Howard Mendelson
April 10, 2019 10:27 am
Published by Howard Mendelson
Real property – the commonly-used legal term to describe land and the buildings and other fixtures on it – does not lend itself to easy division like money or investments. One cannot simply, generally speaking, draw lines on a survey, make two equal parts, and call it a day. One side of a tract of land may be more valuable […]
April 9, 2019 1:27 pm
Published by Howard Mendelson
Howard Mendelson, Esquire, an experienced New Jersey attorney, has been asked by the Camden County Bar Association to present an educational continuing legal education seminar. Litigation Lessons: How to Settle Your Losers, Try Your Winners and Know the Difference Between the Two will be presented on April 17, 2019 at the Cherry Hill Township Public Library (1100 Kings Highway North, […]
April 9, 2019 12:56 pm
Published by Howard Mendelson
Attorney Howard Mendelson, Esquire, of Davis & Mendelson, was named one of the Leaders in the Field for legal matters pertaining to the family in the April 2019 edition of South Jersey Magazine. The readers of the magazine vote on the state’s most outstanding lawyers annually. Since 2008, he has been honored as one of New Jersey’s best attorneys. This […]
March 19, 2019 6:00 am
Published by Howard Mendelson
The decision to end a marriage is perhaps one of the toughest decisions couples have to make during the course of their respective lifetimes. However, under certain circumstances, the decision to end a marriage may be made considerably easier if the couple decides to undergo the process of securing an uncontested divorce as opposed to a contested divorce. The Pros […]
March 5, 2019 1:50 pm
Published by Howard Mendelson
When someone is served with divorce papers, he or she may feel overwhelmed for a variety of different reasons. Receiving divorce papers for the first time may make the prospect of divorce feel real to you for the first time, it may force you to think about all of the tasks you must now complete to get ready for life […]
February 27, 2019 6:00 am
Published by Howard Mendelson
For those who have a hostile relationship with their spouse, a divorce court may be a better option than trying to finalize their divorce through mediation or other collaborative efforts.
February 21, 2019 4:24 pm
Published by Howard Mendelson
Laws change to reflect societal values and norms. While bullying was arguably “legal” and while smoking pot was definitely “illegal” when I went to high school, our education laws and criminal laws have evolved since 1977 since this 60-year old man last attended high school. Now, we have specific statutes which protect New Jersey students from discrimination, harassment, intimidation and […]
February 13, 2019 6:00 am
Published by Howard Mendelson
In 2017, Congress passed and the President signed into law The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. This Act created new tax code provisions, which have made more than a few changes to the way Americans file their annual income taxes. Some of these changes, went into effect in the 2018 tax year, like the revamped child tax credit, while others […]
February 8, 2019 12:10 pm
Published by Howard Mendelson
Divorce arbitration is the way for divorcing couples to move on with their lives quickly, quietly, kindly, conveniently, and in a child-centered way! While much has been written about the advantages of alternative dispute resolution procedures including, but not limited to, mediation and/or collaborative divorces, the option of arbitration is, in certain cases, arguably the best way to go. When […]
February 5, 2019 1:17 pm
Published by Howard Mendelson
The New Jersey Supreme Court Family Practice Committee (hereinafter “Committee”) has issued new proposed amendments to our New Jersey Court Rules, which we here at Davis & Mendelson, are happy to report make it much easier for divorcing parties in the state of New Jersey to utilize arbitration as an alternative to litigation. Specifically, for the first time, the proposed […]