Free Confidential Phone Consultation: (856) 627-0100

HOA Formation, Governance and Transition in New Jersey

We represent developers, unit owners and community associations in all of the legal matters that may arise during the early life of condominiums, homeowners associations and planned unit communities.

At The Law Offices of Davis & Mendelson, we represent developers, unit owners and community associations in all of the legal matters that may arise during the early life of condominiums, homeowners associations and planned unit communities.

From assistance with developing land, to condominium formation, to the transition of power from the developer to the home owners, and everything in between, our lawyers have the experience to provide powerful legal guidance.

Formation of Condominium Associations, Homeowners Associations and Planned Real Estate Communities

Our HOA law firm is able to assist with the process of transforming an undeveloped parcel of land into condos or planned real estate communities. This includes everything from handling the needed transactions and filings to appearing before zoning boards and forming the necessary business entities, such as establishing non-profit associations, establishing fees and assessments, property owner rights or getting certificates of incorporation.

We also assist with the important step of formation of community associations, such as condo associations and home owners associations (HOA).

Governance of Condominium Associations, Homeowners Associations and Planned Real Estate Communities

In order to run smoothly, a community association needs to be properly organized. Bylaws need to be established for association governance.

Issues that need to be addressed include the collection of dues and what the dues will be used for, architectural restrictions and much more. Our attorneys have the experience to assist with this process.

Transition of Condominium Associations, Homeowners Associations and Planned Real Estate Communities from Developer to Resident Controlled Communities

Planned real estate communities and condominiums start out being controlled by the developer. As the unit owners assume control, the developer is gradually transitioned out. This process can be surprisingly complex.

Our Community lawyers have the skills to make the process move along smoothly.

Contact Us

Contact us for cost-effective, results-oriented representation Free Consultation: (856) 627-0100
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