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Child Support

We make it clear to our divorce clients from the very start that our priority is meeting the needs of their children. Fair child support is an important element in seeing that those needs are met.

New Jersey Child Support Attorneys & Family Lawyer in Voorhees, Cherry Hill, Medford, & Camden County

At The Law Offices of Davis & Mendelson, we make it clear to our divorce clients from the very start that our priority is meeting the needs of their children. Fair child support is an important element in seeing that those needs are met. While many cases involve simply seeing that the state guidelines are followed when determining child support, our divorce lawyers have the experience to spot other opportunities to make certain the issue is handled properly.

Using the NJ Child Support Guidelines

The state guidelines for child support make sense in the majority of divorce cases. They consider the income of each parent, as well as a variety of other issues. Childcare may be taken into account, as well as educational costs. For the most part, our role is simply to see that the numbers are being entered correctly by both parties to ensure fair child support payments. Occasionally, the opportunity to deviate from the guidelines arises. We know how to spot these opportunities.

Handling Post-Divorce Child Support Issues

For many people, the divorce is finalized and child support payments are made as outlined. However, this isn’t always the case. Sometimes, enforcement actions need to be taken or defended against. Our family law attorneys are able to handle these issues. Our family law firm is also able to assist with the modification of child support payments due to change in income, job loss or a variety of other significant life changes.

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Contact us for cost-effective, results-oriented representation Free Consultation: (856) 627-0100
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