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Child Custody and Divorce

Child custody battles are seldom in the best interest of children. We help clients develop peaceful resolutions to custody issues and arrangements that work for them and their children.

Experienced Divorce Lawyers Helping Clients with Co-Parenting and Custody Disputes in Voorhees, Cherry Hill and Throughout Camden County and Beyond

Child custody battles are seldom in the best interest of children. At the New Jersey law office of Davis & Mendelson, LLC, our lawyers help clients develop custody arrangements that work for them and their children. We are committed to striving for a peaceful resolution of custody issues.

Our attorneys strongly believe in the Children’s Bill of Rights, which provide that children should not be treated as pawns to be leveraged in a divorce, but as people. Further, children should not have to choose between one parent or the other in a divorce. Additionally, children should not have to be treated as a messenger between each parent in a divorce. Children should have the right to express their feelings, and they should be allowed to remain children, even during the stressful period of a divorce. This approach strongly influences our law practice when representing people in child custody matters.

Complex Child Custody Disputes Lawyers

Child custody is more complex than people often realize. It requires that parents come to an agreement or have the decision made by a judge on matters such as:

  • Legal custody, or who makes decisions for the child on education, religion, health care and other central issues
  • Residential custody, or where the child lives and for what periods of time
  • Parenting time / visitation, or when the nonresidential parent is able to be with the child or children
  • Relocations, when one parent seeks to remove a child from the area
  • Child support under the New Jersey child support guidelines
  • Custody Related Educational Issues
  • Education planning, or who pays for tuition at private school or college
  • Estate planning
  • Health insurance for the children

Collaborative Divorce Lawyers in South Jersey

We believe that issues such as these can be resolved without expensive and emotionally draining litigation. We encourage clients to use collaborative divorce techniques to come to a child custody arrangement that is in the best interest of the children. However, collaborative law is not for everyone. When a client’s situation makes this approach to child custody impossible, we make sure the rights of the client are upheld and his or her children protected.

Civil Union and Same Sex Couples Facing Custody Disputes

Custody issues affect same-sex couples with children. When a civil union needs to be dissolved, gay and lesbian couples face issues of child custody and support. Our divorce & family law attorneys handle custody matters arising from civil unions, marriages and non-marital relationships. All clients find us to be lawyers who care about them and their children.

Our attorneys are members of The Thomas S. Forkin Family Law American Inn of Court and Mr. Mendelson has also been recognized as a Master of Family Law by the Thomas S. Forkin Family Law American Inn of Court. He has lectured and written extensively on child custody, family law and mediation matters. Clients can be assured that we are highly knowledgeable about developments in family law that might affect them. To discuss a child custody matter, contact our Voorhees, New Jersey, lawyers. We are committed to the best interests of your children.

Contact Us

Contact us for cost-effective, results-oriented representation Free Consultation: (856) 627-0100
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